Image Courtesy of Seppo Leinonen
and his EnvironMental Cartoon Gallery |
Bibliography (review due April
20) Schedule & Readings Week
1. February 23 Overview and Introductions Week 2.
March 2 Paradigms & Perspectives Herman Daly, Ecological
Economics: The Concept of Scale and Its Relation to Allocation, Distribution
and Uneconomic Growth. 2003 CANSEE conference, Jasper Alberta Ellie Perkins, Feminist
Ecological Economics And Sustainability, Journal of Bioeconomics (2007)
9:227244 Brian Milani, What Is Green Economics?
, GreenEconomics.net
also published in Synthesis
/ Regeneration, #37 (Spring 2005) and Race, Poverty & the Environment:
A journal for social and environmental justice Week 3. March 9 Dematerialization / Economic Growth Peter A. Victor and Gideon Rosenbluth, Managing Without Growth, Ecological
Economics 61 (2007) Gary Gardner and Thomas Prugh, Seeding the Sustainable
pp. 3-17, State of the World 2008:
Innovations for a Sustainable Economy, New York: W.W. Norton/Worldwatch,
2008 Sandra Rothenberg, Sustainability through Servicizing, MIT Sloan
Management Review, Winter 2007 Ester van der
Voet, Lauran van Oers, and Igor Nikolic, Dematerialization:
Not Just a Matter of Weight, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 8, Number 4
Week 4. March
23 Detoxification Anne Platt McGinn,
(2000). Why
Poison Ourselves? A precautionary approach to synthetic chemicals, David
Morris, The
Once and Future Carbohydrate Economy, The American Prospect, March 2006 Martin LaMonica,
Chemistry's 'Race to Innovation'," CNET, Nov. 12, 2007 Optional: Anastas &
Warner, 12
Principles of Green Chemistry, US EPA website Sandra Steingraber,
The Pirates
of Illiopolis: Why your kitchen floor may pose a threat to national security,
Orion magazine, May/June 2005 Silicon Valley
Toxics Coalition, Toward
a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry, SVTC white paper, January
14, 2009 Week 5. March 30
Decentralization: Design / Flow / Scale Helen Lewis and John Gertsakis, Introduction:
Design + Environment: A global guide to designing greener goods,
Greenleaf Publishers, 2001 Walter R. Stahel, The
Utilization-Focused Service Economy: Resource Efficiency and Product-Life
Extension, The Greening of Industrial Ecosystems, Redefining Progress, Bay Localize et al, Building
a Resilient and Equitable Bay Area: Toward
a Coordinated Strategy for Economic Localization, report, Nov. 2006 David Morris, The Smart Grid: Why
Obama's Plan to Help Renewable Energy May Backfire and Aid Big Coal,
AlterNet, February 6, 2009 Jouni Korhonen, Some Suggestions For
Regional Industrial Ecosystems Extended Industrial Ecology, Eco-Management and Auditing, 8, 5769 (2001) John T. Lyle, Urban Ecosystems,
In Context magazine, Spring 1993 Week 6. April 6 Exchange-Value:
Money, Finance & the Casino Economy Hazel Henderson, Reforming Global Finance: The
New Financiers, Ethical Markets, February 2009 Thomas Greco, excerpts from Money:
Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender, Chapter 1:
What's the Matter with Money?
and Chapter 4: What is Money? p. 16-25, p. 26-37
Bellamy Foster, The Financialization of
Capitalism, Monthly Review 58, 11 (April 2007); reprinted as chapter 4 of
Foster and Magdoff's The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and consequences,
NY: Monthly Review Press, 2009 Herman Daly on the Credit Crisis,
Financial Assets, and Real Wealth, The
Oil Drum, Oct. 13, 2008 Joseph Stiglitz, 9
Reasons Obama's Fiscal Plan Fails Both Markets and Taxpayers, AlterNet
March 26, 2009 Optional: Anderson, Cavanagh, Collins, Muhammad and Pizzigati, Second Chance: A Sensible
Plan for Getting the Recovery Right, report of the Inequality and the Common Good project of the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington DC:
January 2009 New
Green Deal Group, A New Green Deal: Joined-up
policies to solve the triple crunch of the credit crisis, climate change and
high oil prices, New Economics Foundation, July 2008 Ellen Brown, Credit where Credit
is Due: The Direct Way to Fix the Credit Crisis, www.webofdebt.com, January 2009 Jennifer
Dauksha-English, Principles
of Financial Permaculture Ellen Brown, Cash-starved
States need to play the Banking Game: North Dakota shows how,
www.webofdebt.com, March 2009 Chuck Collins, Talking Points on the
Economic Meltdown, paper of the Inequality
and the Common Good project of the Institute
for Policy Studies, Washington DC: Oct. 27, 2008 David
Korten, Beyond the
Bailout: Agenda for a New Economy, Yes! magazine, Winter 2008-09 David
Korten, Whose
Bailout?: Main St. before Wall St., column, Yes! magazine, Winter 2008-09 Tim
Cohen-Mitchell, Community
Currencies at a Crossroads: New
Ways Forward, New Village Journal, issue 2, Week 7. April 13
Use-Value: Work, Production, Justice & Service Robert Pollin, How a Green Economy
Is an Antidote to Casino Capitalism, New Labor Forum, April 2, 2009
Renner, Creating Jobs, Preserving the
Environment, from State of the World 2000, NY: W.W. Norton/Worldwatch
Institute Emily
Badger, What
Shade of Green Best Suits the Economy?, Miller-McCune Research, Jan. 22,
2009 Van Jones and Ben Wyskida, Green-Collar
Jobs for Urban America: Oakland looks for a greener
path toward prosperity, Yes! magazine,
Winter 2007 Growing a Green Economy: Green
Tech can restore American manufacturing, Duke U. Research (see full reportManufacturing Climate Solutionsif
desired, in Optional section below) Philip Mattera et al, High Road or
Low Road? Job quality in the new green economy, report for Good Jobs
First, February 2009 (skim) Optional: Wayne Roberts, Growing
Labour: Time to stop rewarding downsized companies and start fuelling
productivity with organic people power,
Toronto: NOW mag, Vol.
27 No. 27, March
6-13, 2008 Apollo
Alliance, Make
it in America: The Apollo Green Manufacturing Action Plan, March 2009
--full report Apollo
Green Manufacturing Action Plan--GreenMAP Gary Gereffi et al, Manufacturing
Climate Solutions: Carbon-reducing technologies and US jobs, Duke Center
on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness, 2008-2009 Omar Freilla, Green
Development for Environmental Justice and Healthy Communities, Green
Worker Co-ops report, 2005 Danaher,
Biggs & Mark interview Van
Jones, The Future of
Cities: How Sprawl and Racism are Intertwined, AlterNet, October 23, 2007 Tara
Lohan & Joshua Holland, Van
Jones: How we can lead our country out of crisis, AlterNet, Oct. 28, 2008 Week 8. April 20 The Network Economy / Wikinomics Yochai Benkler, A
Moment of Opportunity and Challenge, Chapter 1
of The Wealth
of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom,
Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Introduction and
Chapter One Wikinomics: The Art & Science of Peer-Production, from Wikinomics: How
Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (Portfolio/Penguin, 2006) Laurence Lessig, Some Like It
Hot: Piracy & culture, Wired magazine, Issue 12.03 (March 2004) Bryan Zandberg, "Canada Sleeps
through War to 'Save the Internet'," Jan. 17, 2007 Stan Cox, "War, Murder,
Rape...All for your cell phone," AlterNet, Sept. 14, 2006 Scott Thill, "Google: Good or
Evil when it comes to the Environment?," AlterNet, July 3, 2008 Optional: Brian Milani, "A
Postindustrial Green Economy: New Productive Forces and the Future of the
Academic Left," chapter
Environments, Technologies, Spaces and Places in the 21st Century, eds: Damian White & Chris
Wilbert; Wilfred Laurier Press: forthcoming
(April 2009)
Jonathan Leake and
Richard Woods, "Revealed:
the Environmental Impact of Google Searches," The Sunday Times
(London), January 11, 2009 Jeffrey
Chester: Google:
Search and Data Seizure, The Nation, Sept. 28, 2007 One
Global Understanding of Re-Use: Common Definitions, StEP/United Nations
University, Solving
the E-waste Problem white paper, March 2009 p2pne
News, "Obama Must 'Recognize
Consumer Rights'," April 2, 2009 Michael
Geist, "Songwriters
rewrite bid for legalized file sharing," Toronto Star, March 23,
2009 Week 9. April 27
Indicators of Real Wealth main reading: John Talberth, A New Bottom Line for Progress, Chapter 2, The State of the World 2008, NY/Washington: Worldwatch
Institute, 2008 Also
review three (3) articles or websites from
those below, based on your interests: Constanza et al, "The Value of the
World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital," Nature vol. 387,
May 15, 1997 Moran et al, "Measuring
Sustainable Development Nation by Nation," Ecological Economics 64
(2008) Calvert-Henderson
Quality of Life Indicators (browse) Redefining Progress / Earth Day Network, Sustainability Starts in Your
Community: A community indicators guide, 2002
Tomalty, Alexander, Anielski et al, Ontario Community
Sustainability Report 2007, Pembina Institute Toronto Community Foundation, Maureen Hart, Sustainable
Measures website (browse) Susan Burns, Keeping our
Eye on the Goal: How to measure corporate sustainability progress, Natural Strategies.com Global Reporting
Initiative (browse) Joachim H. Spangenberg, "Integrated Scenarios for Assessing
Biodiversity Risk," Sustainable
Development 15, 343356 (2007) Peter
Montague, "Why
risk assessment is not a good way of determining safety," Rachel's Environment and Health Biweekly,
August 17, 2000, reprinted on Organic Consumer's Association website Robert T. Lackey, "If
Ecological risk assessment is the answer, what is the question?" Health and Ecological Risk
3(6):921-928, 1997, reprinted on US EPA website Week 10. May 4. Consumption Michael Renner, Moving Toward
a Less Consumptive Economy, Chapter 5, pp. 96-119, from the State
of the World 2004,
NY/Washington: Worldwatch Institute, 2004 Dara ORourke, Market Movements: Nongovernmental
Organization Strategies to Influence Global Production and Consumption, Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 9, no.
1-2, Winter/Spring 2005
Jacquelyn Ottman, Consumers With
a Conscience, chapter 2 of Green
Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation, New York: NTC-McGraw-Hill, 1998 Nelson
Lichtenstein, Wal-Mart:
Template for 21st Century Capitalism (skim) Optional Gary Gardner, Erik Assadourian and Radhika Sarin, "The State of
Consumption Today," Chapter 1 of the State
of the World 2004,
NY/Washington: Worldwatch Institute, 2004 Tim Jackson, "The Challenge
of Sustainable Lifestyles," chapter 4 of The State of the World 2008, NY/Washington: Worldwatch
Institute, 2008 Lisa Mastny, Purchasing for People and the Planet, Chapter 6, pp. 122-142, from the State of the World 2004, NY/Washington: Worldwatch Institute,
2004 Forbidden: Rev. Billy, The Papers Due May
Electronic format preferred. Attachment sent to Brian. |